Stepping Heavenward

The fact that I’m about to blog about a book I just finished reading is nothing short of a miracle.  If you know me well, you know that I don’t read unless I’m forced to for a school assignment. In fact, I think the last book I read for enjoyment was Charlotte’s Web. But this summer has left me with a lot of time on my hands and I hear reading makes you smarter, and can actually be fun, so I thought I’d give it another try.

I’m ashamed to admit that I do in fact judge a book by its cover, which is why I’m still unsure why I chose to read a book with this cover:

However, I am so grateful that this is the book I found myself completely engrossed in night after night. This book allows its readers to jump inside the journal of Katherine Mortimer and follow her on her journey to Godliness all the way from her teenage years up until the last years of her life. As she struggles with sorrow and sin and experiences many triumphs and trials throughout her life, she never ceases to seek the Lord as she strives to grow in Him daily.
I was greatly impacted and blessed by this book and I would recommend it to women of all ages!

I’m sad that I finished it, but I cannot wait to dive into another book!