Monday Blues

Long, exhausting, dreary – that’s Monday is a nutshell!

I lie in bed a little longer than usual this morning and try to linger as long as I can in getting ready for the day. I step outside only to be met with the frigid reality that we call winter. I cant tell if it’s the weather that’s so bitter or just me. I don’t want to be awake at 7am. I don’t want to go to work. I want to crawl back into my warm bed and curl up in my yellow, fuzzy blanket for at least another hour.

I’ve discovered that the best way to make it through a Monday is to face it head on. Get up, get going, make a plan and get things done.

The upcoming week will feature my brother’s birthday, Thanksgiving, a long weekend, and some much needed rest and family time, and the thought of those things make Monday a little more manageable.

In the midst of Monday, my discontented, whiny soul is silenced by the acknowledgement of all the grace the Lord so lavishly pours out. He always gives good gifts, though sometimes they come wrapped in hardship. He is constant, He is good. He remains in control and on His throne. He made each day, even this cold Monday, so in that I will rejoice. I wont waste it.

Even when my head is spinning, He calmly brings me back to thoughts of His grace and mercy, and its those thoughts that help alleviate the Monday morning blues.

Psalm 103:19 “The Lord has established His throne in the heavens and His kingdom rules over all.”

Have a blessed day, friends! Much love to you all!