{ The Cross }

If ever there was a picture truly worth a thousand words, this would be the one. Such a simple picture, yet such complex meaning. Lately it seems impossible to escape the stories of the horrors of this world, yet I’m grateful that we can cling tightly to the cross and the promises of scripture in times of such terrible heartache.

 The cross gives hope to a sin stained nation. Jesus conquered sin.
The cross gives peace to the troubled heart. Jesus conquered chaos.
The cross gives strength to the worn out soul. Jesus conquered exhaustion.
The cross gives joy to those who are hurting. Jesus conquered depression.
The cross gives courage to the fearful. Jesus conquered fear.
The cross gives light in a black world. Jesus conquered darkness.
The cross gives life to dead souls. Jesus conquered death.

The grief of loss, the pain of sickness, the guilt of sin- all nailed to the tree where our Savior breathed his last. The cross is such a powerful symbol of God’s perfect love for us. How amazing to know that my dirty, sinful heart is counted righteous and pure in the sight of the Lord because of Christ’s work on the cross.

Mark 8:34 – “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

May we choose daily to selflessly pick up our crosses and run after Jesus.

Thank you, Father, for bearing the burdens we deserve.